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Vanesa Aiello Rocha
About me
Bachelor in Psychology - Master equivalent in USA syste(Universidad del Salvador)
PhD candidate in Psychology (Universidad Católica Argentina) -
Systemic -Relational -Therapy Specialist. Family Therapist (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Group Therapy Specialist from the Argentine Systemic School (ESA - MRI Palo Alto)
Education and New Technologies Specialist (FLACSO)
Candidate for the title of Specialist in Clinical Psychology and Cognitive - Behavioral Therapy (UBA)
Doctoral researcher at the Center for Research in Psychology (CIPP - UCA)
Tenured Professor at the Faculty of Human Sciences (Universidad del Museo Social Argentino)
Professor at the Faculty of Psychology (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Staff of the Bio Behavioral Institute, Ciudad de Buenos Aires Affiliate, renamed Instituto Realize.
I graduated as a Bachelor in Psychology from the Faculty of Psychology of the Universidad del Salvador, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina. I did undergraduate and postgraduate training in the State clinical environment, in psychiatric Hospitals: Moyano Hospital, Tobar García Hospital, Borda Hospital; as well as in general Hospitals: Hospital de Clínicas José de San Martín, Hospital Rivadavia and Centro Preventivo Asistencial en Adicciones. I also did rotations in clinical institutions in the private sphere during my undergraduate training.
At Borda Hospital, I acquired a solid training in the outpatient treatment of adolescent patients with Eating Disorders (Day Hospital). During this period, I worked on the diagnosis, treatment and research of Borderline and Bipolar Disorder patients, both with patients and their families, under the supervision of PhD,Dr. Persano. This experience would lay the foundations for my further training.
I started my practice in the private sphere in parallel with the clinical-academic training. First I specialized in group therapy at the Argentine Systemic School, associated with the Mental Research Institute (MRI) in Palo Alto, USA, and the Saint Pau Hospital in Barcelona, Spain, with Phd. Horacio Serebrinsky. Later, I began a clinical-academic training in systemic family therapy at the Faculty of Psychology of the University of Buenos Aires, in agreement with Fundación Familias y Parejas (FyP; ex-CeFyP), under the direction of María Rosa Glasserman. During that period, I made a postgraduate visit to the Minuchin Center for the Family, in New York City, USA. Two years later I attended the Psychotherapy Networker, in Washington DC, USA, where I continued to interact with leading international psychotherapists (this visit to the US was able through a scholarship). I did workshops in Systemic Therapy with Salvador Minuchin and team, Bill O'Hanlon, Jay Lappin and Jorge Colapinto; as well as in Cognitive Therapy, in the DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) model with Marsha Linehan. During this stay in the USA I took a course by Dr. Carlos Sluzky, in the postgraduate visitor modality, at George Mason University, Washington DC, USA. Upon my return, I reflected my experience in clinical work, as well as in lectures, conferences and work in different conferences in Argentina, on family therapy as well as motivation and leadership. In addition to having completed more than two hundred professional courses, I was trained in Autism and other Social-Emotional Development Disorders, in charge of the CIDEP Group in the Argentine Association of Pediatrics, with Dr. Miguel García Coto.
Curiosity led me to expand my training from individual to family systems and build bridges with educational and judicial institutions. This was reflected in the the specialty in Education and New Technologies, FLACSO (title granted by FLACSO Costa Rica), which allowed me to get even closer to the educational field (at different levels of training). I was part of the Team Bullying Cero Argentina as an expert in psychology and technology, with which we carried out counseling, training, workshops and dissemination of Bullying, Cyberbullying, Sexting and Grooming; especially prevention and care tasks. I do that on my own, nowadays.
In the academic field, I also perform tasks as Professor at the UBA and Associate Professor at the UMSA, and I'm invited by other Universities and Institutions.
Regarding the bridges with judicial institutions, I work as an Expert Psychologist in the Judicial Branch of the Nation (Poder Judicial de la Nación), conducting expert psychological evaluations in civil and labor jurisdictions, as well as advising judges as an expert on family issues.
In 2016 I joined the Center for Research in Psychology of the UCA (CIPP), where I conducted research in the line of psychometry and individual differences; more specifically in anxiety spectrum disorders and mood disorders. I also collaborated in international projects with the USA and Spain and carried out innovation tasks in the application of Virtual Reality in Psychology. I am currently researching Mood Disorders (Bipolar Disorder. and Major Depressive Disorder) and Borderline Personality Disorder. Likewise, my interests are focused on neurosciences and psychotherapy (clinical and research in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder).
I am currently completing a specialization degree in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, at the Faculty of Psychology, at the University of Buenos Aires, while I have been doing PhD studies in Psychology at the Argentine Catholic University (all credits taken; dissertation is left). Completing specialization in Anxiety Disorders (CBT) Specialization at AATA.
I work as a psychotherapist, staff from the Bio Behavioral Institute, Buenos Aires, Argentina headquarters (CBT Center specialized in Obsessive - Compulsive Spectrum, OCD), representative of the Bio-Behavioral Institute New York, and in private practice, where I work with a variety of disorders or problems, usually using CBT.
I am a member of national associations: APSA, AAP, ASIBA, AACP, and international: ISMHO (International Society for Mental Health Online). In 2021 I was elected as a vocal member of the Board of Directors of the Mood Disorders Chapter of the Association of Argentine Psychiatrists (APSA).
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